ipython python

Announcements IPython 6.1, and IPython 5.4: These two releases were made on May 31st 2017. IPython 6.0: This release, the first to require Python 3, integrates the Jedi library for completion. See the release notes for more information about what’s new. .

相關軟體 Notepad++ 下載

Notepad++是套介於NotePad及WordPad之間的編輯軟體,簡單且易懂的操作介面,讓第一次使用的人,也能立即上手。 它也提供了程式開發的環境,提供十幾種程式語言的語法檢查、程式碼屬性的顏色配置、程式縮排等功能。 詳細說明 提供多國語言的操作介面,包括繁體中文。 ...

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  • Announcements IPython 6.1, and IPython 5.4: These two releases were made on May 31st 2017....
    IPython - Official Site
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